Rabu, 02 Maret 2011
Panduan Perawatan Burung Anis Merah
Burung Anis Merah adalah salah satu burung primadona yang sangat banyak penggemarnya. Merawat burung Anis Merah sebenarnya cukup mudah, apabila kita telah mengetahui dan memahami karakter-karakter dasar dari burung tersebut.
1. Sangat sensitif dan butuh waktu untuk dapat beradaptasi terhadap perubahan. Perlakuan yang kasar, perubahan ornamen pada kandang dan perubahan suasana lingkungan yang drastis, akan membuat burung Anis Merah dapat menjadi stress.
2. Pembosan dan selalu butuh suasana baru. Apabila berada di satu tempat dengan waktu yang relatif lama, maka burung ini menjadi malas untuk berkicau lagi. Cobalah secara berkala selalu memindahkan tempat gantangannya. Misalnya: Selama ini digantang di depan rumah, kemudian digantang di samping rumah. Ini merupakan salah satu misteri pada burung tersebut.
3. Birahi yang cenderung mudah naik. Burung Anis Merah sangat mudah naik birahinya, banyak penyebab yang dapat membuat naiknya birahi pada burung jenis ini. Stelan EF (Extra Fooding) yang over, penjemuran yang berlebih dan melihat burung Anis Merah lain, dapat dengan cepat menaikkan tingkat birahinya.
4. Sangat manja. Hampir rata-rata burung Anis Merah tidak akan mau bunyi dan tidak akan mau teler apabila ia melihat orang yang sehari-hari merawatnya. Karena burung tersebut secara psikologis telah menganggap perawat atau pemiliknya sebagai pasangan. Aneh memang, tapi itulah kenyataannya. Biasanya pada waktu kontes atau lomba pada burung kelas Anis Merah, joki yang menggantang burung dan joki lapangan adalah orang yang tidak pernah berhubungan atau terlibat dalam perawatan harian pada burung tersebut.
Ada beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam pemilihan bahan atau bakalan pada burung Anis Merah.
* Berkelamin jantan, ciri-ciri burung Anis Merah berjenis kelamin jantan dapat dilihat dari postur tubuh yang panjang serasi, ekor lebih panjang, tulang belakang dan supit kecil rapat, warna bulu lebih tegas, paruh berwarna lebih gelap, warna bulu dibawah paruh bagian bawah lebih pudar, mata besar melotot, bentuk kepala lebih besar dan bergerak lincah.
* Bentuk paruh, sebaiknya pilih bentuk paruh yang berpangkal lebar, tebal, besar dan panjang. Paruh bagian bawah harus lurus. Jangan memilih bahan burung Anis Merah yang memiliki paruh bengkok. Posisi lubang hidung pilih sedekat mungkin dengan posisi mata.
* Postur badan, pilihlah bahan Anis Merah yang berpostur sedang dengan panjang leher, badan dan ekor serta kaki yang serasi. Jangan memilih bahan yang berleher dan berbadan pendek.
* Sayap mengepit rapat dan kaki mencengkram kuat, ini menandakan bahan tersebut sehat. Warna kaki tidak berpengaruh terhadap mental burung.
* Lincah dan dan bernafsu makan besar. Ini merupakan ciri-ciri bahan yang bermental baik.
* Berdiri pada posisi kepala mendangak 45 derajat. Boleh percaya boleh tidak, apabila anda mendapatkan bahan yang seperti ini, dijamin umur 7 bulan sudah ngerol dan mulai teler.
* Voer (sebaiknya pilih yang berkadar protein sedang yaitu: 12%-18%, belum tentu Voer yang berharga mahal akan cocok dengan sistem metabolisme setiap burung Anis Merah. Voer harus selalu tersedia didalam cepuknya. Selalu ganti dengan Voer yang baru setiap dua hari sekali.
* Buah Segar, burung ini sangat menyukai buah Pepaya, Pisang Kepok Putih, Apel, Pir, Tomat dan beberapa buah lainnya. Sebaiknya perbanyak pemberian buah Pepaya, karena buah Pepaya mengandung vitamin C yang tinggi sehingga membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Disamping itu, buah Pepaya sangat mudah dicerna dan sangat cocok dengan sistem metabolisme rata-rata burung pemakan buah.
* EF (Extra Fooding), pakan tambahan yang sangat baik buat burung Anis Merah yaitu: Jangkrik, Orong-orong, Kroto, Cacing, Ulat Hongkong, Ulat Bambu, Kelabang, Belalang dan lainnya. Pemberian EF harus selalu disesuaikan dengan karakter pada masing-masing burung dan juga harus mengetahui dengan pasti dampak klausal dari pemberiannya EF tersebut.
Perawatan harian untuk burung Anis Merah relatif sama dengan burung berkicau jenis lainnya, kunci keberhasilan perawatan harian yaitu rutin dan konsisten.
Berikut ini Pola Perawatan harian dan Stelan Harian untuk burung Anis Merah:
1. Jam 07.00 burung diangin-anginkan di teras. Jam 07.30 burung dimandikan (karamba mandi atau semprot, tergantung pada kebiasaan masing-masing burung).
2. Bersihkan kandang harian. Ganti atau tambahkan Voer, Air Minum dan buah segar.
3. Berikan Jangkrik 2 ekor pada cepuk EF. Jangan pernah memberikan Jangkrik secara langsung kepada burung. Karena akan berakibat burung menjadi manja.
4. Penjemuran dapat dilakukan selama 1-2 jam/hari mulai pukul 08.00-11.00. Selama penjemuran, sebaiknya burung tidak melihat burung sejenis.
5. Setelah dijemur, angin-anginkan kembali burung tersebut diteras selama 10 menit, lalu sangkar dikerodong.
6. Siang hari sampai sore (jam 10.00-15.00) burung dapat di Master dengan CD Master Natural Therapy Plus (NTPlus) atau CD Master Platinum Edition (Natural Therapy Platinum) atau CD Master Bird Contest Therapy (BCT).
7. Jam 15.30 burung diangin-anginkan kembali diteras dan boleh dimandikan bila perlu.
8. Berikan Jangkrik 1 ekor pada cepuk EF.
9. Jam 18.00 burung kembali dikerodong dan diperdengarkan suara Master dari CD Master Anis Merah Limited Edition atau CD Master Anis Merah Danger Edition selama masa istirahat sampai pagi harinya.
* Kroto segar diberikan 1 sendok teh maksimal 2x seminggu. Contoh setiap hari Senin pagi dan hari Kamis pagi.
* Pemberian Cacing diberikan 2 ekor 2x seminggu. Contoh setiap hari Senin pagi dan Jum’at pagi.
* Buah Segar diberikan rutin setiap hari, dengan format: Hari Senin sampai hari Kamis berikan buah Pepaya, hari Jum'at dan hari Sabtu berikan Apel atau Pisang atau buah lainnya.
* Berikan Multivitamin yang dicampur pada air minum seminggu sekali saja.
* Pangkas porsi Jangkrik menjadi 1 pagi dan 1 sore
* Lakukan pengembunan (jam 05.30-06.00)
* Berikan Cacing 2 ekor 1x seminggu
* Frekuensi mandi dibuat lebih sering, misalnya pagi-siang dan sore
* Lamanya penjemuran dikurangi menjadi 30 menit/hari saja
* Tingkatkan porsi pemberian Jangkrik menjadi 3 pagi dan 3 sore
* Tingkatkan porsi pemberian Kroto menjadi 3x seminggu
* Mandi dibuat 2 hari sekali saja
* Burung segera diisolasi, jangan melihat dan mendengar burung Anis Merah lain dahulu
* Lamanya penjemuran ditambah menjadi 2-3 jam/hari
Perawatan lomba sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan perawatan harian. Tujuan perawatan pada tahap ini yaitu mempersiapkan burung agar mempunyai tingkat birahi yang diinginkan dan memiliki stamina yang stabil. Kunci keberhasilan perawatan lomba yaitu mengenal baik karakter dasar masing-masing burung.
Berikut ini Pola Perawatan dan Stelan Lomba untuk burung Anis Merah:
1. H-3 sebelum lomba, Jangkrik bisa dinaikkan menjadi 2 ekor pagi dan 2 ekor sore.
2. H-2 sebelum lomba, burung sebaiknya dijemur maksimal 30 menit saja.
3. 1 Jam sebelum di gantang lomba, burung di mandikan dan berikan Jangkrik 1 ekor saja.
4. Apabila burung akan turun lomba kembali, berikan Jangkrik 1 ekor lagi.
* Jangan memberikan Ulat Hongkong dalam menggenjot birahi pada burung Anis Merah. karena dapat membuat birahi burung tersebut menjadi sangat meningkat dan menjadi tidak stabil.
* Sebaiknya, Joki lapangan adalah orang yang tidak pernah terlibat didalam perawatan harian pada burung Anis Merah tersebut.
Perawatan pasca lomba sebenarnya berfungsi memulihkan stamina dan mengembalikan kondisi fisik burung.
Berikut ini Pola Perawatan dan Stelan pasca Lomba untuk burung Anis Merah:
1. Porsi EF dikembalikan ke Stelan Harian.
2. Berikan Multivitamin pada air minum pada H+1 setelah Lomba.
3. Sampai H+3 setelah Lomba, penjemuran maksimal 30 menit saja.
Mabung (Moulting) atau rontok bulu merupakan siklus alamiah pada keluarga burung. Perawatan burung pada masa mabung adalah menjadi hal yang sangat penting, karena apabila perawatan yang salah pada masa ini akan membuat burung menjadi rusak. Pada masa mabung ini, metabolisme tubuh burung meningkat hampir 40% dari kondisi normal. Oleh karena itu, burung butuh asupan nutrisi yang berkualitas baik dengan porsi lebih besar dari kondisi normal. Hindari mempertemukan burung dengan burung sejenis, karena akan membuat proses mabung menjadi terganggu. Dampak dari ini adalah ketidak seimbangan hormon pada tubuh burung. Proses mabung juga berhubungan dengan hormon reproduksi.
Berikut ini Pola Perawatan masa mabung:
1. Tempatkan burung di tempat yang sepi, jauh dari lalu lintas manusia. Sebaiknya burung lebih banyak dalam kondisi dikerodong.
2. Mandi cukup 1x seminggu saja dan jemur maksimal 30 menit/hari
3. Pemberian porsi EF diberikan lebih banyak karena sangat diperlukan untuk pembentukan sel-sel baru dan untuk pertumbuhan bulu baru. Misalnya: Stelan Jangkrik dibuat 4 ekor pagi dan 4 ekor sore, Kroto 1 sendok makan setiap pagi dan Cacing 2 ekor 3x seminggu
4. Berikan Multivitamin yang berkualitas yang dicampur di air minum 2x seminggu.
5. Perbanyak pemberian buah pepaya, karena buah pepaya sangat mudah dicerna sehingga melancarkan proses metabolisme tubuh burung. Disamping itu buah Pepaya banyak mengandung banyak vitamin C yang akan membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh burung.
6. Lakukan pemasteran. Masa mabung membuat burung lebih banyak pada kondisi diam dan mendengar. Inilah saat yang tepat untuk mengisi variasi suara sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan. Lakukan pemasteran dengan tepat, sesuaikan karakter dan tipe suara burung dengan suara burung master.
Selasa, 01 Februari 2011
perawatan burung kacer
Burung Kacer merupakan salah satu burung petarung yang memiliki gaya paling eksotis, disamping suaranya yang sangat memukau. Merawat burung Kacer sangat mudah dan menyenangkan.
Mudah beradaptasi, burung ini sangat mudah menyesuaikan diri terhadap perubahan lingkungan.
Petarung yang gampang naik darah. Apabila mendengar suara burung lain atau melihat burung sejenis, maka semangat tempurnya langsung berkobar.
Birahi yang cenderung mudah naik. Burung ini sangat mudah naik birahinya, banyak penyebab yang dapat membuat naiknya birahi pada burung jenis ini. Stelan EF (Extra Fooding) yang over, penjemuran yang berlebih atau melihat burung Kacer betina, dapat dengan cepat menaikkan tingkat birahinya.
Mudah jinak. Karena kemampuan beradaptasinya yang tinggi, maka burung ini mudah jinak kepada manusia.
Kuda Laut-Mbagong-Mbedesi. Setiap burung Kacer memiliki karakter ini, karena ini merupakan karakter dasar dari burung Kacer. Ada beberapa sebab yang membuat burung Kacer mbedesi atau mbagong, yaitu: terlalu birahi, tidak kondisi (mau mabung atau sedang mabung), jatuh mental dan kurang birahi.
Ada beberapa hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam pemilihan bahan atau bakalan pada burung Kacer
Berkelamin jantan, ciri-ciri burung Kacer jantan dapat dilihat warna bulu hitam yang tegas mengkilap dan kontras.
Bentuk paruh, sebaiknya pilih bentuk paruh yang berpangkal lebar, tebal, besar dan panjang. Paruh bagian bawah harus lurus. Jangan memilih bahan yang memiliki paruh bengkok. Posisi lubang hidung pilih sedekat mungkin dengan posisi mata.
Kepala berbentuk kotak, mata bulat besar dan melotot. Ini menandakan burung ini mempunyai mental tempur yang baik.
Postur badan, pilihlah bahan yang berpostur sedang dengan panjang leher, badan dan ekor serta kaki yang serasi. Jangan memilih bahan yang berleher dan berbadan pendek.
Sayap mengepit rapat dan kaki mencengkram kuat, ini menandakan bahan tersebut sehat. Pilihlah Kaki yang besar dan terlihat kering. Warna kaki tidak berpengaruh terhadap mental burung.
Lincah dan bernafsu makan besar. Ini merupakan ciri-ciri bahan yang bermental baik.
Leher panjang padat berisi. Menandakan burung ini akan mengeluarkan power suara secara maksimal.
Voer (sebaiknya pilih yang berkadar protein sedang yaitu: 12%-18%, belum tentu Voer yang berharga mahal akan cocok dengan sistem metabolisme setiap burung Kacer. Voer harus selalu tersedia didalam cepuknya. Selalu ganti dengan Voer yang baru setiap dua hari sekali.
EF (Extra Fooding), pakan tambahan yang sangat baik buat burung Kacer yaitu: Jangkrik, Orong-orong, Kroto, Cacing, Ulat Hongkong, Ulat Bambu, Kelabang, Belalang dan lainnya. Pemberian EF harus selalu disesuaikan dengan karakter pada masing-masing burung dan juga harus mengetahui dengan pasti dampak klausal dari pemberiannya EF tersebut.
Perawatan harian untuk burung Kacer relatif sama dengan burung berkicau jenis lainnya, kunci keberhasilan perawatan harian yaitu rutin dan konsisten.
Berikut ini Pola Perawatan Harian dan Stelan Harian untuk burung Kacer:
Jam 07.00 burung diangin-anginkan di teras. Jam 07.30 burung dimandikan (karamba mandi atau semprot, tergantung pada kebiasaan masing-masing burung).
Bersihkan kandang harian. Ganti atau tambahkan Voer dan Air Minum.
Berikan Jangkrik 3 ekor pada cepuk EF. Jangan pernah memberikan Jangkrik secara langsung pada burung.
Penjemuran dapat dilakukan selama 1-2 jam/hari mulai pukul 08.00-11.00. Selama penjemuran, sebaiknya burung tidak melihat burung sejenis.
Setelah dijemur, angin-anginkan kembali burung tersebut diteras selama 10 menit, lalu sangkar dikerodong.
Siang hari sampai sore (jam 10.00-15.00) burung dapat di Master dengan suara Master atau burung-burung Master.
Jam 15.30 burung diangin-anginkan kembali diteras, boleh dimandikan bila perlu.
Berikan Jangkrik 2 ekor pada cepuk EF.
Jam 18.00 burung kembali dikerodong dan di perdengarkan suara Master selama masa istirahat sampai pagi harinya.
Kroto segar diberikan 1 sendok makan maksimal 4x seminggu.
Pemberian Cacing diberikan 1 ekor 2x seminggu.
Pengumbaran di kandang umbaran dapat dilakukan 4 jam perhari selama 4 hari dalam seminggu.
Berikan Multivitamin yang dicampur pada air minum seminggu sekali saja.
Pangkas porsi Jangkrik menjadi 2 pagi dan 2 sore
Lakukan pengembunan (jam 05.30-06.00)
Berikan Cacing 2 ekor 2x seminggu
Frekuensi mandi dibuat lebih sering, misalnya pagi-siang dan sore
Lamanya penjemuran dikurangi menjadi 30 menit/hari saja
Waktu pengumbaran dibuat lebih sering dan lebih lama
Tingkatkan porsi pemberian Jangkrik menjadi 5 pagi dan 5 sore
Tingkatkan porsi pemberian Kroto menjadi setiap hari
Berikan Kelabang 2 ekor seminggu sekali
Mandi dibuat 2 hari sekali saja
Burung segera diisolasi, jangan melihat dan mendengar burung Kacer lain dahulu
Lamanya penjemuran ditambah menjadi 2-3 jam/hari
Frekuensi mandi dibuat lebih sering, misalnya pagi-siang dan sore
Lakukan mandi malam. Minimal seminggu sekali.
Mandi pasir sewaktu penjemuran dengan menyediakan bak khusus berisi pasir bersih yang sudah diayak. Lakukan minimal seminggu sekali.
Stelan EF perlu di atur ulang menjadi setengah dari porsi awal.
Bisa diberikan Ulat Bambu 2 ekor seminggu sekali
Perawatan lomba sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan perawatan harian. Tujuan perawatan pada tahap ini yaitu mempersiapkan burung agar mempunyai tingkat birahi yang diinginkan dan memiliki stamina yang stabil. Kunci keberhasilan perawatan lomba yaitu mengenal baik karakter dasar masing-masing burung.
Berikut ini Pola Perawatan dan Stelan Lomba untuk burung Kacer:
H-3 sebelum lomba, Jangkrik bisa dinaikkan menjadi 5 ekor pagi dan 5 ekor sore.
H-2 sebelum lomba, burung sebaiknya dijemur maksimal 30 menit saja.
1 Jam sebelum di gantang lomba, burung di mandikan dan berikan Jangkrik 3-5 ekor dan Ulat Hongkong 6-15 ekor.
Apabila burung akan turun lomba kembali, berikan Jangkrik 2 ekor lagi.
Sebaiknya, mulai H-6 burung diisolasi. Jangan sampai melihat dan mendengar suara burung Kacer lain.
Lakukan mandi malam (jam 19.00-20.00) pada H-1.
Perawatan pasca lomba sebenarnya berfungsi memulihkan stamina dan mengembalikan kondisi fisik burung.
Berikut ini Pola Perawatan dan Stelan pasca Lomba untuk burung Kacer:
Porsi EF dikembalikan ke Stelan Harian.
Berikan Multivitamin pada air minum pada H+1 setelah Lomba.
Sampai H+3 setelah Lomba, penjemuran maksimal 30 menit saja.
Mabung (Moulting) atau rontok bulu merupakan siklus alamiah pada keluarga burung. Perawatan burung pada masa mabung adalah menjadi hal yang sangat penting, karena apabila perawatan yang salah pada masa ini akan membuat burung menjadi rusak. Pada masa mabung ini, metabolisme tubuh burung meningkat hampir 40% dari kondisi normal. Oleh karena itu, burung butuh asupan nutrisi yang berkualitas baik dengan porsi lebih besar dari kondisi normal. Hindari mempertemukan burung dengan burung sejenis, karena akan membuat proses mabung menjadi terganggu. Dampak dari ini adalah ketidak seimbangan hormon pada tubuh burung. Proses mabung juga berhubungan dengan hormon reproduksi.
Berikut ini Pola Perawatan masa mabung:
1. Tempatkan burung di tempat yang sepi, jauh dari lalu lintas manusia. Sebaiknya burung lebih banyak dalam kondisi dikerodong.
Mandi cukup 1x seminggu saja dan jemur maksimal 30 menit/hari.
Pemberian porsi EF diberikan lebih banyak karena sangat diperlukan untuk pembentukan sel-sel baru dan untuk pertumbuhan bulu baru. Misalnya: Stelan Jangkrik dibuat 5 ekor pagi dan 5 ekor sore, Kroto 1 sendok makan setiap pagi, Cacing 2 ekor 3x seminggu dan Ulat Hongkong 3 ekor setiap pagi.
Berikan Multivitamin yang berkualitas yang dicampur di air minum 2x seminggu.
Lakukan pemasteran. Masa mabung membuat burung lebih banyak pada kondisi diam dan mendengar. Inilah saat yang tepat untuk mengisi variasi suara sesuai dengan yang kita inginkan. Lakukan pemasteran dengan tepat, sesuaikan karakter dan tipe suara burung dengan suara burung master.
Irama lagu yang dimiliki burung memegang peranan yang sangat penting di dalam penilaian lomba burung berkicau. Karena kembali kepada filosofi burung berkicau, daya tarik utama dari burung berkicau adalah kemampuan berkicaunya (irama lagu).
Memilih suara-suara master untuk burung andalan kita janganlah terfokus hanya memilih suara-suara master yang kedengarannya unik dan bagus.
Sangat banyak metode dan cara-cara yang dapat dilakukan di dalam proses pemasteran burung berkicau. Dan juga banyak sekali berkembang mitos-mitos yang keliru dalam prakteknya dilapangan. Salah satu mitos aneh yang berkembang, yaitu burung yang akan di master harus melihat burung masternya, agar burung yang di master dapat menirukan gaya bunyi dan cara membuka mulut burung master tersebut. Mitos lainnya yaitu proses pemasteran burung berkicau harus menunggu burung dalam keadaan ganti bulu atau mabung.
Sebenarnya; Pemasteran dapat kita lakukan tidak harus menunggu burung berkicau dalam keadaan mabung atau berganti bulu. Burung berkicau dalam keadaan normal, bahkan dalam keadaan top form pun juga dapat dilakukan pemasteran. Ada Mitos yang mengatakan pemasteran burung harus menunggu masa burung mabung.
Alasannya karena; Pada saat mabung, burung berkicau cenderung untuk banyak diam dan sangat jarang sekali berkicau. Burung yang banyak diam pada masa mabung tersebut, cenderung untuk lebih banyak menggunakan waktunya untuk menyimak dan mengolah suara-suara yang ada disekelilingnya. Apabila suara yang didengarnya sesuai dengan tipikal karakter suaranya, maka akan direkam dan ditirukan.
Kunci keberhasilan dalam memaster burung (pemasteran burung berkicau) adalah memaster burung dengan suara-suara master (burung master) yang cocok dan sesuai dengan karakter dasar lagu burung yang akan di master (burung maskot).
Bagaimana dengan anda.??
Apakah perawatan dan pemasteran yang diterapkan selama ini sudah tepat.??
Apakah mendapatkan hasil seperti yang anda inginkan?
Apakah anda mau dan tertantang untuk mencetak burung jawara berkualitas?
Sabtu, 08 Januari 2011
Wanita mengagumi pria karena berbagai alasan. Entah itu, perhatiannya, tubuh tegapnya, atau kecerdasannya. Namun, ada sejumlah perilaku khas pria yang tidak disukai wanita.
Ingin tahu apa sajakah itu? Simak hasil wawancara sekelompok wanita yang menyatakan hal paling dibenci dari pria, seperti dikutip dari laman Idiva:
1. Ego tinggi
Banyak wanita berharap, pria sedikit menurunkan egonya. Banyak wanita beranggapan, pria selalu tak ingin disaingi wanita, tidak rela jika wanita memiliki kemapuan lebih darinya.
2. Menganggap wanita hanya sebagai objek seks
"Satu hal yang saya benci tentang kebanyakan pria adalah mereka kerap menganggap wanita sebagai inferior dan hanya objek kepuasan seksual. Padahal dalam agama dan budaya wanita adalah sosok yang harus dihormati, tapi wanita masih saja sering diperlakukan buruk,” ujar Miss India 2008, Parvathi Omanakuttan saat menanggapi sikap pria yang paling dibencinya.
3. Terobsesi payudara
Payudara wanita memang menjadi bagian paling menarik perhatian banyak pria. Maka tak heran saat melihat payudara berukuran besar, tatapan pria seakan tak berkedip. Padahal, mereka sering melihat wanita setiap hari, namun tetap saja tatapan pertama yang membuatnya banyak pria terpaku adalah bagian dada wanita. Hal ini membuat kebanyakan wanita merasa risih.
4. Berambut gondrong
Sebagian pria mungkin cocok berpenampilan rambut panjang. Namun, jika tak sesuai dengan bentuk wajah, beberapa wanita tidak menyukai gaya pria dengan rambut gondrong. Dan akan lebih buruk lagi, jika pria berambut panjang menggunakan ikat rambut warna-warni, gel rambut dan mewarnai rambutnya dengan cat rambut pirang. Ini bisa menjadi hal menjijikkan buat wanita.
5. Pria terobsesi penampilan
Pria selalu mengeluh ketika wanita membutuhkan waktu lama untuk berdandan. Tapi ternyata, pria juga butuh waktu lama untuk merapikan diri, mulai dari memilih busana bahkan tak jarang dari mereka juga menggunakan riasan meski hanya sedikit bedak.
6. Seks, seks, seks
Pria begitu terobsesi pada aktivitas seksual sepanjang waktu. Ibarat kompor, dorongan seks pria bagaikan kompor gas. Pria hanya cukup pemanasan sedikit untuk bergairah. Banyak humor diciptakan orang untuk menunjukkan betapa pentingnya seks bagi seorang pria. Kebanyakan wanita beranggapan, mereka hanya mendengar apa yang mereka mau.
7. Pria berbulu
Kebanyakan pria tak rela jika bulu-bulu halus di tubuhnya dipangkas habis. Padahal, sebagian besar wanita merasa jijik saat melihat pria dengan banyak bulu, terutama di bagian dadanya.
Ingin tahu apa sajakah itu? Simak hasil wawancara sekelompok wanita yang menyatakan hal paling dibenci dari pria, seperti dikutip dari laman Idiva:
1. Ego tinggi
Banyak wanita berharap, pria sedikit menurunkan egonya. Banyak wanita beranggapan, pria selalu tak ingin disaingi wanita, tidak rela jika wanita memiliki kemapuan lebih darinya.
2. Menganggap wanita hanya sebagai objek seks
"Satu hal yang saya benci tentang kebanyakan pria adalah mereka kerap menganggap wanita sebagai inferior dan hanya objek kepuasan seksual. Padahal dalam agama dan budaya wanita adalah sosok yang harus dihormati, tapi wanita masih saja sering diperlakukan buruk,” ujar Miss India 2008, Parvathi Omanakuttan saat menanggapi sikap pria yang paling dibencinya.
3. Terobsesi payudara
Payudara wanita memang menjadi bagian paling menarik perhatian banyak pria. Maka tak heran saat melihat payudara berukuran besar, tatapan pria seakan tak berkedip. Padahal, mereka sering melihat wanita setiap hari, namun tetap saja tatapan pertama yang membuatnya banyak pria terpaku adalah bagian dada wanita. Hal ini membuat kebanyakan wanita merasa risih.
4. Berambut gondrong
Sebagian pria mungkin cocok berpenampilan rambut panjang. Namun, jika tak sesuai dengan bentuk wajah, beberapa wanita tidak menyukai gaya pria dengan rambut gondrong. Dan akan lebih buruk lagi, jika pria berambut panjang menggunakan ikat rambut warna-warni, gel rambut dan mewarnai rambutnya dengan cat rambut pirang. Ini bisa menjadi hal menjijikkan buat wanita.
5. Pria terobsesi penampilan
Pria selalu mengeluh ketika wanita membutuhkan waktu lama untuk berdandan. Tapi ternyata, pria juga butuh waktu lama untuk merapikan diri, mulai dari memilih busana bahkan tak jarang dari mereka juga menggunakan riasan meski hanya sedikit bedak.
6. Seks, seks, seks
Pria begitu terobsesi pada aktivitas seksual sepanjang waktu. Ibarat kompor, dorongan seks pria bagaikan kompor gas. Pria hanya cukup pemanasan sedikit untuk bergairah. Banyak humor diciptakan orang untuk menunjukkan betapa pentingnya seks bagi seorang pria. Kebanyakan wanita beranggapan, mereka hanya mendengar apa yang mereka mau.
7. Pria berbulu
Kebanyakan pria tak rela jika bulu-bulu halus di tubuhnya dipangkas habis. Padahal, sebagian besar wanita merasa jijik saat melihat pria dengan banyak bulu, terutama di bagian dadanya.
Jumat, 10 Desember 2010
Terlalu Banyak Porno Menjadikan Anda Kekasih Yang Kurang Baik
Bertentangan dengan kepercayaan umum, terlalu banyak porno sangat berpengaruh pada kehidupan cinta nyata. Sementara porno memang memberikan seksualitas yang tinggi, juga terbaik digambarkan sebagai pengatur mood. Namun, ketika datang ke kinerja, itu cerita lain.
Masalah Dengan Terlalu Banyak Porno
* Masalah yang paling jelas dengan terlalu banyak porno adalah fakta yang mengarah ke kepuasan diri terlalu banyak atau masturbasi. Hal ini pada gilirannya menimbulkan penipisan libido Anda sering memberikan perangsang sementara.
* Ini menyebabkan kurangnya hasrat seksual dengan pasangan Anda karena terlalu banyak porno memberikan keinginan untuk ‘melakukan’ tanpa banyak romantisme dan foreplay yang membuat pasangan tidak puas dan perasaan kurangnya ikatan yang sangat penting untuk kepuasan bersama.
* Terlalu banyak porno juga menyebabkan lebihnya periode refraktori yaitu interval antara ereksi. Hal ini juga menyebabkan peningkatan pada periode latency (waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai ejakulasi).
* Terlalu banyak porno itu adiktif. Orang sering menemukan bahwa mereka yang terlalu banyak porno mulai gelisah jika mereka tidak mendapatkan rutinitas porno mereka.
* Jika Anda terlalu banyak terlibat dalam porno, sudah waktunya duduk kembali dan merefleksi karena selain semua masalah yang diuraikan di atas, hal itu akan menyebabkan kondisi medis yang disebut sebagai “gaya masturbasi karena kebiasaan”.
Apakah Gaya Masturbasi Karena Kebiasaan?
Selama masturbasi tingkat tekanan serta gesekan yang diterapkan seorang pria adalah buatan dan sangat jauh lebih tinggi daripada “kenyataan”. Hal ini menyebabkan dia mulai terbiasa untuk itu dan tidak mendapatkan itu secara real, membuat dia tidak puas karena ia tidak mendapatkan kepuasan selama hubungan seksual reguler. Seringkali pria cenderung “mentok” sejauh kebiasaan masturbasi mereka, yang pasti memiliki dampak pada kehidupan seksual mereka yang nyata. Orang sering melihat bahwa orang-orang seperti itu menginginkan lebih untuk seks oral dan juga masturbasi bahkan dari mitra mereka!
Mengingat semua fakta ini, Anda perlu membatasi terlalu banyak porno jika Anda merasa bahwa itu mencampuri naluri alami Anda dan Anda memiliki keinginan untuk menikmati kehidupan seks yang penuh, lebih alami dan lebih memuaskan dengan pasangan Anda. Konsultasikan dengan pasangan Anda akan menjadi ide bagus untuk mengetahui apakah ada perubahan besar dalam gaya dan kinerja yang timbul dari terlalu banyak porno.
Masalah Dengan Terlalu Banyak Porno
* Masalah yang paling jelas dengan terlalu banyak porno adalah fakta yang mengarah ke kepuasan diri terlalu banyak atau masturbasi. Hal ini pada gilirannya menimbulkan penipisan libido Anda sering memberikan perangsang sementara.
* Ini menyebabkan kurangnya hasrat seksual dengan pasangan Anda karena terlalu banyak porno memberikan keinginan untuk ‘melakukan’ tanpa banyak romantisme dan foreplay yang membuat pasangan tidak puas dan perasaan kurangnya ikatan yang sangat penting untuk kepuasan bersama.
* Terlalu banyak porno juga menyebabkan lebihnya periode refraktori yaitu interval antara ereksi. Hal ini juga menyebabkan peningkatan pada periode latency (waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai ejakulasi).
* Terlalu banyak porno itu adiktif. Orang sering menemukan bahwa mereka yang terlalu banyak porno mulai gelisah jika mereka tidak mendapatkan rutinitas porno mereka.
* Jika Anda terlalu banyak terlibat dalam porno, sudah waktunya duduk kembali dan merefleksi karena selain semua masalah yang diuraikan di atas, hal itu akan menyebabkan kondisi medis yang disebut sebagai “gaya masturbasi karena kebiasaan”.
Apakah Gaya Masturbasi Karena Kebiasaan?
Selama masturbasi tingkat tekanan serta gesekan yang diterapkan seorang pria adalah buatan dan sangat jauh lebih tinggi daripada “kenyataan”. Hal ini menyebabkan dia mulai terbiasa untuk itu dan tidak mendapatkan itu secara real, membuat dia tidak puas karena ia tidak mendapatkan kepuasan selama hubungan seksual reguler. Seringkali pria cenderung “mentok” sejauh kebiasaan masturbasi mereka, yang pasti memiliki dampak pada kehidupan seksual mereka yang nyata. Orang sering melihat bahwa orang-orang seperti itu menginginkan lebih untuk seks oral dan juga masturbasi bahkan dari mitra mereka!
Mengingat semua fakta ini, Anda perlu membatasi terlalu banyak porno jika Anda merasa bahwa itu mencampuri naluri alami Anda dan Anda memiliki keinginan untuk menikmati kehidupan seks yang penuh, lebih alami dan lebih memuaskan dengan pasangan Anda. Konsultasikan dengan pasangan Anda akan menjadi ide bagus untuk mengetahui apakah ada perubahan besar dalam gaya dan kinerja yang timbul dari terlalu banyak porno.
Selasa, 07 Desember 2010
4 POsisi KAmaSuTRa
Berikut adalah beberapa posisi Kamasutra, sebuah buku ilmu senggama India Kuno yang terkenal di seluruh dunia. Di bawah ini ada 4 posisi pilihan dari Kamasutra. Sebenarnya banyak lagi posisi yang ditulis dalam kitab Kuno itu, namun 4 posisi terpilih ini kiranya menjadi sumber inspirasi bagi kita.
Ini adalah teknik yang unik dalam Kamasutra di mana pada asalnya, senggama dilakukan secara berdiri. Secara praktiknya, posisi ini agak sukar dilakukan, tetapi ia dapat memberi nikmat yang hebat keapda istri karena ransangan pada kelentit adalah kuat.
Cara melakukan senggama ini ialah suami melunjurkan kaki kirinya dan melipatkan kaki kanannya seakan bersila. Dengan betis kanannya, suami mengepit paha isteri yang sedang dilunjurkan. Isteri mengepit paha kiri suami dengan betis kanannya.
Variasi berbaring juga boleh dilakukan dan caranya serupa dengan posisi berdiri. Jika dilakukan secara berdiri maka sebaiknya isteri hampir sama tinggi dengan suami.
Sarang Lebah
Suami mendatangi isteri dari celah paha. Isteri akan mengepit pinggang suami dengan dua kakinya seolah-olah bersila, betisnya di belakang pinggang suami. Gerakannya ialah dengan menggunakan otot peha dan betis. Posisi ini hebat kerana isteri dapat bergerak sama mengikut gerak badan suami dan berdayung.
Keadaan isteri mengepit pinggang suami itu mungkin akan menyukarkan suami untuk berdayung karena terasa sesuatu yang berat pada pinggangnya. Oleh karena itu kaki isteri tidak harus mengepit pinggang itu dengan kuat, tetapi hanya sekadar diletakkan dan keadaan kaki itu masih bebas digerak-gerakkan. Ini lebih menyenangkan dayungan di lakukan.
Rusa Minum
Isteri menelengkup di atas ranjang sambil kedua kakinya dijuntaikan ke tepi ranjang. Suami mendatangi isteri dari arah belakang isteri. Ini adalah cara senggama di mana penis dapat dimasukkan jauh ke dalam lubang vagina. Tangan juga bebas untuk meransang buah dada isteri. Gerakan bisa dilakukan secara bergantian antara suami isteri.
Pelukan Satria
Dalam posisi ini isteri berbaring di atas ranjang dengan terlentang dan kedua pahanya dibuka lebar. Kedua betisnya dijuntaikan di tepi ranjang. Sebaiknya ranjang cukup tingginya agar kaki isteri tidak menyentuh lantai dan suami bisa menusuk sambil berdiri. Melalui posisi ini suami bebas menusuk isteri dari arah kanan atau kiri.
Tusukan boleh dilakukan ke kiri, kanan dan juga atas. Tangan suami berfungsi untuk memegang badan isteri agar tusukan lebih mudah dan bisa juga memegang buah dada isteri.
Jika posisi ranjang terlalu rendah, maka boleh diletakkan bantal di bawah punggung isteri di mana tingginya itu cukup bagi menegakkan pahanya. hmmm... tidak perlu ditanya lagi rasanya! rruuaar biaasaa!
Ini adalah teknik yang unik dalam Kamasutra di mana pada asalnya, senggama dilakukan secara berdiri. Secara praktiknya, posisi ini agak sukar dilakukan, tetapi ia dapat memberi nikmat yang hebat keapda istri karena ransangan pada kelentit adalah kuat.
Cara melakukan senggama ini ialah suami melunjurkan kaki kirinya dan melipatkan kaki kanannya seakan bersila. Dengan betis kanannya, suami mengepit paha isteri yang sedang dilunjurkan. Isteri mengepit paha kiri suami dengan betis kanannya.
Variasi berbaring juga boleh dilakukan dan caranya serupa dengan posisi berdiri. Jika dilakukan secara berdiri maka sebaiknya isteri hampir sama tinggi dengan suami.
Sarang Lebah
Suami mendatangi isteri dari celah paha. Isteri akan mengepit pinggang suami dengan dua kakinya seolah-olah bersila, betisnya di belakang pinggang suami. Gerakannya ialah dengan menggunakan otot peha dan betis. Posisi ini hebat kerana isteri dapat bergerak sama mengikut gerak badan suami dan berdayung.
Keadaan isteri mengepit pinggang suami itu mungkin akan menyukarkan suami untuk berdayung karena terasa sesuatu yang berat pada pinggangnya. Oleh karena itu kaki isteri tidak harus mengepit pinggang itu dengan kuat, tetapi hanya sekadar diletakkan dan keadaan kaki itu masih bebas digerak-gerakkan. Ini lebih menyenangkan dayungan di lakukan.
Rusa Minum
Isteri menelengkup di atas ranjang sambil kedua kakinya dijuntaikan ke tepi ranjang. Suami mendatangi isteri dari arah belakang isteri. Ini adalah cara senggama di mana penis dapat dimasukkan jauh ke dalam lubang vagina. Tangan juga bebas untuk meransang buah dada isteri. Gerakan bisa dilakukan secara bergantian antara suami isteri.
Pelukan Satria
Dalam posisi ini isteri berbaring di atas ranjang dengan terlentang dan kedua pahanya dibuka lebar. Kedua betisnya dijuntaikan di tepi ranjang. Sebaiknya ranjang cukup tingginya agar kaki isteri tidak menyentuh lantai dan suami bisa menusuk sambil berdiri. Melalui posisi ini suami bebas menusuk isteri dari arah kanan atau kiri.
Tusukan boleh dilakukan ke kiri, kanan dan juga atas. Tangan suami berfungsi untuk memegang badan isteri agar tusukan lebih mudah dan bisa juga memegang buah dada isteri.
Jika posisi ranjang terlalu rendah, maka boleh diletakkan bantal di bawah punggung isteri di mana tingginya itu cukup bagi menegakkan pahanya. hmmm... tidak perlu ditanya lagi rasanya! rruuaar biaasaa!
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
Usia tua adalah masa yang paling sensitif dalam kehidupan pria karena stamina tubuh manusia biasanya menurun. Di usia tua, berbagai perubahan terjadi dalam tubuh dan hampir banyak orang telah menjadi korban dari penyakit yang berbeda. Faktor-faktor ini secara langsung akan mempengaruhi perilaku seksual laki-laki.
Dengan bertambahnya usia pria, ia membutuhkan stimulasi lebih banyak untuk membuat penisnya tegak. Masalah utama mengenai situasi ini adalah bahwa ia memerlukan banyak waktu untuk ereksi terjadi dan ini dapat mempengaruhi kenikmatan seks.
Masalah penis jauh lebih sering terjadi pada pria usia tua. Disfungsi ereksi terlihat lebih pada pria ketika mereka mencapai usia 40 tahun ke atas. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara usia 40 dan 70, laki-laki secara alami mengalami kecenderungan penurunan fungsi seksual. Sebagian besar dari pria tua mengambil obat dan suntikan untuk mendapatkan kembali kenikmatan seks. Meskipun solusi umum untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berhubungan seks tersebut awalnya akan menunjukkan efek positif, beberapa efek samping negatif akan terlihat dalam berbagai aspek di kemudian hari. Perhatikan bahwa baik faktor fisik dan psikologis mempengaruhi langsung atau tidak langsung masalah disfungsi ereksi pada pria.
Masalah penis jauh lebih sering terjadi pada pria usia tua. Disfungsi ereksi terlihat lebih pada pria ketika mereka mencapai usia 40 tahun ke atas. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa antara usia 40 dan 70, laki-laki secara alami mengalami kecenderungan penurunan fungsi seksual. Sebagian besar dari pria tua mengambil obat dan suntikan untuk mendapatkan kembali kenikmatan seks. Meskipun solusi umum untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berhubungan seks tersebut awalnya akan menunjukkan efek positif, beberapa efek samping negatif akan terlihat dalam berbagai aspek di kemudian hari. Perhatikan bahwa baik faktor fisik dan psikologis mempengaruhi langsung atau tidak langsung masalah disfungsi ereksi pada pria.
Jadi apa saja pilihan yang lebih baik untuk mengobati masalah impotensi pada pria yang lebih tua?
1. Untuk pria lebih dari 50 tahun, latihan penis diperlukan. Perlu diingat bahwa latihan penis dapat membantu Anda memiliki kontrol lebih banyak pada ereksi Anda dan ejakulasi Anda dan ini benar-benar jauh lebih penting daripada ukuran penis Anda. Carilah beberapa latihan penis yang baik di situs web yang dapat membantu anda dalam hal ini.
2. Perangkat pembesaran Penis dapat membantu setiap pria memulihkan kepercayaan dalam kekuatan seksual dan menjadi seorang kekasih yang hebat. Keyakinan adalah langkah pertama dalam jalan kesuksesan. Perangkat tersebut tidak hanya untuk pembesaran tetapi juga dapat meningkatkan kecakapan keseluruhan seksual pria.
3. Operasi Penis tidak dianjurkan untuk laki-laki yang lebih tua karena kemampuan mereka untuk pulih lebih rendah. Sebaliknya, mereka mungkin menggunakan pengobatan rumah dan prosedur pijat sederhana. Minyak zaitun adalah minyak yang terbaik karena memiliki kemampuan yang sangat baik untuk melawan penyakit yang berbeda. Ini adalah minyak yang ampuh untuk memecahkan masalah-masalah seks yang terkait juga.
4. Laki-laki yang lebih tua yang diabetes bisa menghadapi masalah impotensi juga. Mereka dapat menggunakan perangkat tambahan penis yang unik atau pil. Tetapi pada saat yang sama, mereka harus mengurangi tingkat gula mereka. Kelebihan jumlah gula berbahaya bagi kesehatan pasien diabetes itu. Batasi asupan makanan dengan kandungan gula tinggi. Makanan berlemak seperti mentega, krim dan makanan yang digoreng yang berbahaya bagi sistem pencernaan karena memakan waktu lama untuk mencerna dan menjadi bagian dari tubuh. Makanan ini dapat mempengaruhi fungsi penis.
Jika Anda seorang pria lebih dari 40 tahun dan menderita ereksi lemah dan libido yang rendah, coba solusi di atas. Jika Anda tidak bertanggung jawab atas hidup Anda, tidak juga orang lain.
<a href=><img src="" width="300" height="250" border="0"></a>
Senin, 08 November 2010
perkutut of java
Talking about the turtledove turtledove Katuranggan usually associated with the Local which is believed to have supernatural powers or a supernatural / yoni according to the trust of our parents since hundreds of years, especially in communities of Javanese tradition and not the Trust, or commonly known turtledove turtledove Bangkok which we see and pet many This time is no longer believed to have supernatural powers in accordance with the minds of modern society. So turtledove Katuranggan often called bird faerie that can provide sustenance, happiness and peace of households, rank and position, etc..
Habit of enjoying the sound of his voice this beautiful anggungan turtledove started since the time of Majapahit and indeed this one bird at a time that is usually only maintained by the noble royal palace of the more developed at the time Ngayogjakarta Sultanate under the Sri Sultan Hamnegku Lane VII in 1877-1921.
Turtledove is also believed to be the fifth number of the completeness of a true Priya perfect in the tradition of Javanese culture set in the palace that is; House (house), Garwa (Wife), Suspicious (Keris), Turangga (Horse) and Kukila (turtledove). Turtledove is the creator tool satisfaction or personal enjoyment. Anggungannya voice and physical beauty can provide calm, calm, relaxed and happy as if human beings can relate to the universe directly.
As noted at the beginning of this paper, turtledove has a tremendous privilege because it is considered to have supernatural powers that can affect the owner based on the "Katuranggan" which is believed to have occult blood bead, also based on "feature mathi" is the prediction in relation to a particular form or nature of a turtledove , which is believed to have a good effect (to bring good luck / fortune, peace of households, rank, etc..) or bad (bad luck or misfortune catastrophe) for the owner or the caretaker.
To find out whether or not a turtledove, can be traced based on the mathi katuranggan and characteristics of physical characteristics such as body shape, feather, beak, legs and also the nature, behavior and at the sound / gig that can be explained as follows / as below.
Turtledove Katuranggan or Primbon among others:
* Turtledove Songgo Queen: turtledove is believed to be incarnations of a son of King Bali in the era of the Majapahit chased his enemies and fled to the village of Tutul in Blambangan, Banyuwangi and killed, then turned into a turtledove turtledove named Songgo Queen .. Turtledove is distinctively in his head there is a kind of crown crested white. Its also like aristocrat who does not like to roam, his life only in a quiet place such as in caves or in the cemetery. Turtledove is strong hunger and thirst until a few days, his sleep was always placed the highest compared to other turtledove. Having a very large authority, who kept his turtledove shingga would not dare voice / sound. Physical characteristics of the other is, legs and beak black. Its fur is somewhat blackish. Turtledove that have a great yoni, usually rare, and his voice sounded relatively too small, so this one turtledove. Turtledove is able to reject witchcraft / black magic, fortune and has launched a high authority for the owner.
* Turtledove Village: views from the shades of color turtledove, a glimpse can be seen equation disguised with snakes, which both have almost the same striated. Turtledove has more chest hair the color is bright, even whitish, as well as snakes. Village turtledove is living rainforest fed or eating food brought by turtledove others who became his men. Usually the turtledove is maintained by the supervisor or leader who has a position, because it has a yoni turtledove extraordinary authority and bring in an abundance of sustenance.
* The White turtledove: turtledove is a prima donna who chased many people, because in addition to very rare, white turtledove is believed to bring wealth for the owner or the pemeliharanya. Color entirely white fur, red eyes, reddish gray beak, red legs and black striped white nails. Turtledove is usually used only owned by the king or leader. Turtledove is also believed to be the result of marriage In the inter-breed siblings that lasted several generations about 5 to 10 years. So white turtledove is not necessarily the children are white, but ordinary turtledove that carry white blood at some point will have a white-haired offspring. It is said that because of the scarcity usually before the person has, the white turtledove come through dreams with a way of people who are old, white-haired and bearded.
* Black or Col turtledove Buntet: all jet black fur which is considered king turtledove, if maintained will give you good luck.
* In addition there are several types of turtledove Katuranggan among others; turtledove tailed 15 sheets (Pendawa Mijil), turtledove cone shaped or colored powder called turtledove Daring Kebak / Translucent, turtledove Udan Gold, red and yellow-eyed turtledove (Mercu Soul), turtledove Rondo Semoyo, etc.. all of which have their own yoni among others, to reject witchcraft and tranquility family (Flour Tumpeng), for authority (Pendawa Mijil and great authority Mercu Souls), a smooth trade (Rondo Semoyo). So can imagine if we have one turtledove Tumpeng colored flour, red or yellow eyes and tail of 15 pieces, then obviously and certainly this is a turtledove turtledove nice and rare and expensive.
Type turtledove
Turtledove (Geopelia striata), many live in lowland forests. As a bird that entered the tribe Columbidae, turtledove has many close relatives such as pigeon peragam and widespread throughout the world. However, a special type of limited deployment turtledove of the Malay Peninsula to Australia.
In Indonesia, the type turtledove quite a lot. Hobbyist distinguish turtledove is in accordance with the region of origin, for example turtledove Sumatra, Java zebra dove, turtledove Bali, Nusa Tenggara and turtledove. Especially for Java, is still distinguished according to region of origin which is known as quality-producing areas turtledove, for example turtledove Pajajaran, turtledove Mataram, Majapahit zebra dove, turtledove Tuban, and turtledove Madura.
In Java, once turtledove bersemak often found in open dry areas or on forest edges adjacent to settlements. In fact, the first turtledove is also often found foraging in fields or rice fields.
Generally turtledove living and foraging in pairs or in small groups. These birds usually eat off the ground. Not infrequently found turtledove who was drinking at the same time on the water source.
Because it is not easily disturbed by human presence and can be approached within a distance of several meters, turtledove is known as a rather tame bird. When you feel threatened, these birds will fly fast and stopped within a short distance or perched in a tree not far from the place of origin.
In the wild proliferation turtledove is not as good at the breeding farm. In the wild turtledove only spawn two to three times a year that occurred in January-September. Breeding season is marked with the making of the nest by a pair turtledove is passion. Form nests rather flat and thin. The bottom of a nest made of twigs set a rather rough, while the upper part covered with dry grass or leaves are more delicate fibers. nest is generally placed on a tree or shrub that is not too high from ground level.
A few days after the nest so, turtledove females will lay eggs as many as two grains. This egg white with an oval shape. Egg size approximately 22 x 17mm. Eggs will be incubated alternately by both parents for approximately two weeks, after which the eggs hatch. Turtledove new-born child was colored red, has no hair, and eyes still closed. At times like these chicks still need the warmth of its mother's body. Therefore, the parent will mengeraminya until the growth of hair (around the age of two weeks).
Turtledove newly hatched chicks by their mothers were fed in the form of milk produced by its parent cache. Feeding process is run in accordance with the natural instinct of birds. Children who can not see the touch-nyentuhkan beak toward the mouth of its mother. After wearing, these puppies will put his head in the throat parent. It is this process called suckling. Along the entry of the child's head to the throat parent, the mother will regurgitate the contents of cache in the form of liquid and directly into the mouth of the child. This feeding process usually lasts until the child is out of the hair or can fly.
Turtledove catchment forests has long maintained local people commonly called turtledove. Turtledove is usually he is pretty good gig, but unfortunately difficult bred. Constraint local turtledove very slow or not easy to breed. Efforts male parent crossed with female local turtledove turtledove Bangkok also slow or not as fluent as pure turtledove Bangkok. Finally, many who choose male and female broodstock turtledove Bangkok purely because it is more effective.
Local-turtledove turtledove is actually in terms of sound is not too much different, although each has distinctive characteristics. Turtledove from one region of the turtledove has differences with other regions, but the difference is not so obvious. In fact, in terms of size or weight is almost not different. Turtledove is categorized in groups of small birds (females and males 19-21 cm 20-24 cm) weighing between 60-70 grams.
Body color is dominated by brown color with a rather long tail. Colors in the gray head with the back brown. The neck and the sides finely striped. Dorsally brown with edges of black feathers. Outer side of the tail feathers slightly blackish color and white at the edges.
Iris (iris of the eye) rather bluish gray, gray beak, and pink legs. Another color that characterizes the turtledove is a feather in the back wing, side of the neck, chest, and body-colored side slightly grayish brown.
Type of local turtledove is increasingly less attractive to fans turtledove of sound increases. Now this fans turtledove demanding a better sound. This means that now is not the only fan turtledove based on the emergence of sound front, middle, and back only, but grow even more in the long pull of the front sound pressure, sound, clean sound, and so forth. Additional claims were clearly can not be obtained from the natural catchment or local birds, local birds because the sound is generally mild and flat. Therefore, the unwitting person having to switch on the turtledove hybrid. Only by way fans can gain votes cruciferous turtledove as expected.
By way of this cruciferous fans finally in the ground water turtledove turtledove minded with ancestry from Bangkok (genealogy). Turtledove from Bangkok was generally have a reliable sound quality, both in rhythm and sound pressure (front, middle, and back) as well as powernya. It was not separated from the expertise of the breeder there who were admittedly quite expert in the matter of criss-cross turtledove.
Choosing going turtledove
Buying a turtledove is not like buying any other bird species. In choosing a turtledove, in addition to patience also need foresight so as not to be disappointed in the future. Before buying a turtledove there are several criteria that must be considered. First, if you are going to contest, obviously must be male. Then, because going turtledove is identified with piyik, whereas in the turtledove own criteria categorized piyik start a new bird to hatch until the age of five months, then to buy going at each age required knowledge and attention on their own. So, in buying going turtledove we can buy newly hatched piyik start (a few days old) until the birds began to show the original sound when the bird was five months.
The buyers turtledove, good to hear his voice and for the race, would choose a male turtledove. Turtledove males have a loud voice, the pressure of big bass in his voice, and his power so great that if the sound will be heard loud and steady. For fans of turtledove is still new and laity about the turtledove, somewhat difficult to distinguish between male and female zebra dove. Especially if you buy it is still under going.
To distinguish between male and female zebra dove, can be done by looking chopsticks (bone below the anus). When chopsticks are meeting or nearly touching, certainly male. Conversely if the distance is the width of bone chopsticks (about 1 cm or the size of a finger), mean female. This method can only be used after piyik turns four months. Before the age of four months of chopsticks on the relatively tenuous piyik male so that fans who are unfamiliar turtledove will have difficulty determining male going this way.
After going four months old, especially when it's over six months, the males will naturally narrow chopsticks so easy to distinguish the female. Also turtledove already ahead of adult males also can be known from the shape of the eyeball, head shape, physical shape and sound. Turtledove eyeball males appear more prominent premises sharp eyes, while females seemed glazed with weak eyes. Turtledove male head size is larger and slightly rounded, while the females are smaller and somewhat oval. The physical size of the body, too, the males usually larger than the females. sound, too, turtledove male voice louder than the females.
Although we already know that the turtledove is male, but there is no harm if we look again supitnya perfection. Turtledove Supit said to be excellent if the same length and is located parallel. Please note that not infrequently found that male zebra dove has long chopsticks next to (one shorter and located less parallel). Turtledove with features such good voice though generally less preferred because it is considered defective fan in katuranggan, there is a defect in his body.
Turtledove new going a few days old (still under the age of one month) is difficult to know whether or not. Therefore, the fans who bought turtledove turtledove rare at this age. Buying turtledove under the age of one month has a relatively high risk of gambling unless it is already known to the parent in a stable partner was known to frequent childbirth champion. Not infrequently the newly hatched chicks are purchased directly from the cage if they are often born turtledove champion. Thus, other buyers who want a puppy from the cage must be booked in advance. In the world there is also a term turtledove pivot or booking to get piyik.
Enthusiasts turtledove turtledove many are ordering chicks on breeder who has got the name because there is no guarantee of quality. In fact, to ensure the good name of his bird farm there are breeders who are willing to exchange if the birds that we buy the quality was bad. One safe way of buying a new-born chicks turtledove and have not read is to buy from farms that have been known to frequent childbirth turtledove champion. If we buy piyik of champion livestock often give birth, we can know the pedigree (lineage) parent. If a good parent and often gave birth to puppies champion, certainly has the qualities the next puppies are not much different from her brothers. But to buy such a bird other than the price is quite high, we have to queue.
If you want more confident we can buy going again between the ages of 1 to 1.5 months. At the age of the sound of birds is still in the form of wind noise. For fans who understand, from the sound could have been predicted adult voice. If that comes out sounds pess-pess-pes, can be sure the birds are later voiced ankle or walking three. If pess-pess-pess-pess, estimated intercropping or double. If sound is audible pess piyik-pess pess-pess ... .. pess, birds are later expected to double voice, intercropping, or ankle. Therefore it is necessary carefulness in listening to the wind so that the length to which one becomes known pess middle voice and which sounds backwards. If still unsure of the ability to choose, you should wait until 1.5 to 2-month-old bird. At this age piyik owned wind noise will change with turtledove sound clearer, although still not showing the original sound turtledove adult.
Going to mature a lot sold dipeternakan, show room, or a bird market. In this place going to be traded adults with a variety of prices, types and quality. To buy going up, we should ask ourselves first, if we keep the turtledove is heard only kungnya just dropped off at the arena or to contest turtledove. If you just want to be maintained only for petetan only we could stop selling the turtledove traded at prices between Rp. 25000.00 - Rp. 50000.00 per cow. Cheap turtledove is generally placed in a huddle in a big box (Ranji). Turtledove who are under the class were mostly caught from the wild, local farm products, or crosses between local birds with bird assortment Bangkok.
Distinguishing between birds caught from the wild (the network) and results of breeding is fairly easy. Results tangkapandari nature usually do not ringed legs, while the general captive ringed. Because it's cheap, usually the seller is not willing to guarantee the turtledove is a good voice. Keep in mind, before it entered Ranji, traders have been selecting the birds. Bersuaranya rather nice bird usually disangkarkan own, and sold at higher prices. not rare bird selection results are then fitted with rings to convince the prospective buyer that the bird is captive breeding. Therefore, before buying a bird turtledove we should know the difference between local birds with hybrid turtledove Bangkok. When sound kungnya steady and feels there is a high pressure, the bird is a hybrid with a turtledove Bangkok or import bird. if Kungnya flat or Ampang, clearly the local bird bird.
Another feature of local birds when observed more closely will be more visible. For example eyelashes a bit rough and the ball his eyes look like there is a white ring that expanded and shrank. Eyes rather large local turtledove turtledove while Bangkok seem more narrow. Local turtledove turtledove usually underweight while bangkok or hybrid is usually more fat. Special local turtledove origin Nusa Tenggara is the most easily recognizable. eyelids have a ring of yellow, green body hair looks a bit dark and her legs look more black.
Almost all local farmers and Import provide the results of the ring on foot tangkarannya turtledove. This is to give an indication of where the farm of origin, birth keberapa, and descendants of whom the bird. Thus, if at any time want to trace their parents, can find out from the ring. For local farmers, giving the ring can not be separated from the appeal P3SI (turtledove Enthusiasts Association of Indonesia) to give the ring to the local livestock turtledove tangkarannya results to be known that the results tangkaran turtledove, not caught from the wild. For large farms, usually family tree is of considerable concern. Each puppy is sold is usually accompanied by a Certificate.
The ring does not guarantee that birds are the ranchers tangkaran. Nowadays many traders or even ranchers who tried fake bird ring tangkarannya results with a coded ring which often bear the famous ranch champion bird. Knowing that meant a circular ring at the foot of turtledove, to the extent that the term ring selling fake or ring. The emergence of cases of forgery ring could not be separated from the desire of farmers or traders who want to emulate the success of other breeders. Misalakan turtledove's just the A in the arena of contest is always won the champion will be commonplace if the fans turtledove will flock to the farm A separately ordered a brother or a derivative turtledove champion earlier. Because of the large orders, usually a brother or a derivative price turtledove champions were going to soar. The high price of turtledove is not infrequently used by breeders that moral hazard. For example, he bought the birds belong to other ranchers whose quality is lower and the price is more skewed, and these breeders put the ring on behalf of the ranch for the bird appears as a result tangkaran ranch. bird is then sold at a high level with turtledove champion offspring earlier. turtledove own Fan of whether the bird is difficult to distinguish native who gave birth to puppies from breeders or puppy puppies champion turtledove because the ring that attached the original of the respective farms. Therefore, buying puppies champion turtledove, big dipeternakan need to be careful and need to request a guarantee of the authenticity of peternaknya.
To determine whether the circular ring at the foot of the original turtledove or not, is not too difficult. If genuine, the ring was removed because it somewhat difficult ngepress by foot. if the bird was 1 month old, the original ring removable hard. if forced to be removed or installed will make the relevant bird injury. Therefore, the original installation of the ring or rings are usually done before piyik turtledove was 15 days. More than it has been difficult because piyik toes will grow rapidly enlarged. In view of the ring is easily ordered, recently emerged ring a little bit large in size. The ring of this kind usually used to fake the birds of the lower class to upper class looked like a bird.
The size of the ring that could be dismantled pairs of legs turtledove usually rather large in diameter, known as size 44. The ring can be issued include on my ankle turtledove although adult birds. original ring of smaller diameter, known as size 41.
Turtledove Cut Ring
In the fan community there is a term turtledove Cut ring, meaning turtledove that are deliberately not fitted with a ring or a removable ring. Turtledove Cut ring can be the result of crosses between local and imported product crosses. why should the Cut Ring? There are several reasons why you should sell the famous breeder birds have to remove the ring. This is to maintain the credibility of the breeder. Please note that the big breeders can hatch hundreds each month piyik. Piyik-piyik is not all good, there must be an ugly (sorted). Before removing piyik or going to the buyer usually breeders do the sorting. Of the hundreds of tail usually only 10% would be classified as special. Assortment that should be thrown into the market. That's where mixed, there is good bakaln belonging category, medium, and sag. not known for his ranch name, usually the well known breeders before selling assortment of birds first remove the ring from the foot of turtledove. After all breeders feel pity if sortirannya discarded useless. Better on the market, but it is certainly not a complete assortment may throw the ring because it could be a boomerang for these farms.
The practice of releasing market assortment turtledove is not only done by local farmers, but also a top breeder-breeder in Bangkok. Where turtledove turtledove assortment-thrown? famous ranch in Bangkok was much throwing sortirannya to Indonesia. That's because most major markets are Indonesia turtledove. Although turtledove Cut Ring is a sort of bird, does not mean that all the birds of the sort ugly because the possibility to "explode" in the contest is still there, especially if the assortment is from the famous ranch. As is known, turtledove sorting is done by breeders after the bird through the ngurak (brodol first) the first or bird age between 4-5 months. Why is that? Before the bird ngurak unpredictable voice. It could just as well signify piyik his voice, but after ngurak even sag. Vice versa. Not a few going at the time of his voice piyik less well turned out after a period of ngurak even better. Therefore, after the new ngurak can know whether or not sound good turtledove.
Birds that are not good is then in Cut Ring. however, not mean the Cut ring definitely ugly. Not infrequently the fans who understand the turtledove turtledove actually prefer to buy from farms Cut Ring famous. With the stock of knowledge and expertise of care, these fans can choose which will be going to explode in the arena of contest after treating.
Cut Ring itself is not synonymous with low-quality birds because there are many fans that have a bird turtledove removable rings champion precisely to conceal the origin indukkannya or ranch. this is done with consideration for indukannya owners do not know if the results tangkarannya become champion. Thus, bird owners can still buy winners were blood relatives of the turtledove is continually champion with a relatively cheap price. Other Purposes champion off the ring on the bird is so that other fans did not invade farms in droves from turtledove champion had to order a blood relative of the turtledove champion so, if to many fans who know the origin of birds champion before, usually the fans turtledove from various invaded the area to the farm of origin of birds champion and become involved in booking or pivot for prolonged.
For the breeder, if the results tangkarannya be a champion and a lot of buyers who come will surely raise the price of birds to be tens of times the previous price. With this basis could be concluded that not necessarily are in Cut turtledove turtledove Ring is low class. Especially if the turtledove is on sale at the ranch or the show room of the prestigious by price hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars, can be sure turtledove is of good quality.
Katuranggan turtledove
So far in the world there turtledove katuranggan term which is a merger of the two terms katur Java and antlers. Katur in Javanese language means the notices and tine means body. So, katuranggan mean notice or knowledge of body shape. In buying turtledove turtledove fans can not escape from katuranggan. Moreover, if turtledove who would buy the price up to millions of dollars, certainly very concerned katuranggan prospective buyers. From katuranggan predictable climax point voice and sound turtledove. Therefore, usually the prospective buyer asked the seller for permission to hold the bird allowed to be purchased. Permission to hold this point to know whether the bird katuranggan perfect or not.
During this benchmark is used as katuranggan there are a few things, such as head shape, beak, body, and tail. Benchmarks are as follows:
* Turtledove her head round oval shape like fruit jambe expected to issue a good sound and maximum. Birds that have a shape of the head voice sonority thus expected to survive until old age. Therefore, the head so the best category. * Turtledove mbeton nongko head shape (such as jackfruit seeds) are estimated to have a pretty good voice sonority and can last until old age. However, they rarely voice sonority which reached a maximum. * Turtledove that forms a round head like sonority currency is expected to have a pretty good voice and will continue to increase until the bird was almost 24 years. The rest his voice will drop. * Turtledove ngepel beak shape (such as fruit burahol), ngontong body shape (like a banana flower buds), and combined with a tapered tail, can be expected to have a middle voice is quite clear and clean. Bird with such characteristics include the best birds. * Turtledove nggabah beak shape (like a grain of rice), the shape of the body such as jackfruit, and its tail is rather long in the back rather blunt expected good middle voice. Birds with these characteristics include both categories. * Bird's beak shape mapah gedhang (such as banana bark), mbluluk body shape (like the young coconut fruit), and short tail pointed, estimated to sound pretty good center. Birds with such characteristics include good enough category.
Although it has no indication or prediction of katuranggan, but would be even better if we keep into account the perfection of other physical forms, such as a healthy body and there is no defect in the parts of his body. Chest shape chosen field. Chest area showed that the bird's body well and has good sound bag as well so that the sound issue is also mostly good
Terms of members of other bodies that make birds classified as either category is a long neck with the throat rather large, bright eyes look sharp and slender legs with regular and shiny scales.
Turtledove contest
Beauty contest is a form of measurement results turtledove sound animal husbandry, maintenance, and care. Contest organized by P3SI. Implementation there are several levels, adjusted for the scope. Organization of turtledove contest arranged by P3SI (All-Indonesia Association of Conservation turtledove). This organization is non political and non-commercial.
Habit of enjoying the sound of his voice this beautiful anggungan turtledove started since the time of Majapahit and indeed this one bird at a time that is usually only maintained by the noble royal palace of the more developed at the time Ngayogjakarta Sultanate under the Sri Sultan Hamnegku Lane VII in 1877-1921.
Turtledove is also believed to be the fifth number of the completeness of a true Priya perfect in the tradition of Javanese culture set in the palace that is; House (house), Garwa (Wife), Suspicious (Keris), Turangga (Horse) and Kukila (turtledove). Turtledove is the creator tool satisfaction or personal enjoyment. Anggungannya voice and physical beauty can provide calm, calm, relaxed and happy as if human beings can relate to the universe directly.
As noted at the beginning of this paper, turtledove has a tremendous privilege because it is considered to have supernatural powers that can affect the owner based on the "Katuranggan" which is believed to have occult blood bead, also based on "feature mathi" is the prediction in relation to a particular form or nature of a turtledove , which is believed to have a good effect (to bring good luck / fortune, peace of households, rank, etc..) or bad (bad luck or misfortune catastrophe) for the owner or the caretaker.
To find out whether or not a turtledove, can be traced based on the mathi katuranggan and characteristics of physical characteristics such as body shape, feather, beak, legs and also the nature, behavior and at the sound / gig that can be explained as follows / as below.
Turtledove Katuranggan or Primbon among others:
* Turtledove Songgo Queen: turtledove is believed to be incarnations of a son of King Bali in the era of the Majapahit chased his enemies and fled to the village of Tutul in Blambangan, Banyuwangi and killed, then turned into a turtledove turtledove named Songgo Queen .. Turtledove is distinctively in his head there is a kind of crown crested white. Its also like aristocrat who does not like to roam, his life only in a quiet place such as in caves or in the cemetery. Turtledove is strong hunger and thirst until a few days, his sleep was always placed the highest compared to other turtledove. Having a very large authority, who kept his turtledove shingga would not dare voice / sound. Physical characteristics of the other is, legs and beak black. Its fur is somewhat blackish. Turtledove that have a great yoni, usually rare, and his voice sounded relatively too small, so this one turtledove. Turtledove is able to reject witchcraft / black magic, fortune and has launched a high authority for the owner.
* Turtledove Village: views from the shades of color turtledove, a glimpse can be seen equation disguised with snakes, which both have almost the same striated. Turtledove has more chest hair the color is bright, even whitish, as well as snakes. Village turtledove is living rainforest fed or eating food brought by turtledove others who became his men. Usually the turtledove is maintained by the supervisor or leader who has a position, because it has a yoni turtledove extraordinary authority and bring in an abundance of sustenance.
* The White turtledove: turtledove is a prima donna who chased many people, because in addition to very rare, white turtledove is believed to bring wealth for the owner or the pemeliharanya. Color entirely white fur, red eyes, reddish gray beak, red legs and black striped white nails. Turtledove is usually used only owned by the king or leader. Turtledove is also believed to be the result of marriage In the inter-breed siblings that lasted several generations about 5 to 10 years. So white turtledove is not necessarily the children are white, but ordinary turtledove that carry white blood at some point will have a white-haired offspring. It is said that because of the scarcity usually before the person has, the white turtledove come through dreams with a way of people who are old, white-haired and bearded.
* Black or Col turtledove Buntet: all jet black fur which is considered king turtledove, if maintained will give you good luck.
* In addition there are several types of turtledove Katuranggan among others; turtledove tailed 15 sheets (Pendawa Mijil), turtledove cone shaped or colored powder called turtledove Daring Kebak / Translucent, turtledove Udan Gold, red and yellow-eyed turtledove (Mercu Soul), turtledove Rondo Semoyo, etc.. all of which have their own yoni among others, to reject witchcraft and tranquility family (Flour Tumpeng), for authority (Pendawa Mijil and great authority Mercu Souls), a smooth trade (Rondo Semoyo). So can imagine if we have one turtledove Tumpeng colored flour, red or yellow eyes and tail of 15 pieces, then obviously and certainly this is a turtledove turtledove nice and rare and expensive.
Type turtledove
Turtledove (Geopelia striata), many live in lowland forests. As a bird that entered the tribe Columbidae, turtledove has many close relatives such as pigeon peragam and widespread throughout the world. However, a special type of limited deployment turtledove of the Malay Peninsula to Australia.
In Indonesia, the type turtledove quite a lot. Hobbyist distinguish turtledove is in accordance with the region of origin, for example turtledove Sumatra, Java zebra dove, turtledove Bali, Nusa Tenggara and turtledove. Especially for Java, is still distinguished according to region of origin which is known as quality-producing areas turtledove, for example turtledove Pajajaran, turtledove Mataram, Majapahit zebra dove, turtledove Tuban, and turtledove Madura.
In Java, once turtledove bersemak often found in open dry areas or on forest edges adjacent to settlements. In fact, the first turtledove is also often found foraging in fields or rice fields.
Generally turtledove living and foraging in pairs or in small groups. These birds usually eat off the ground. Not infrequently found turtledove who was drinking at the same time on the water source.
Because it is not easily disturbed by human presence and can be approached within a distance of several meters, turtledove is known as a rather tame bird. When you feel threatened, these birds will fly fast and stopped within a short distance or perched in a tree not far from the place of origin.
In the wild proliferation turtledove is not as good at the breeding farm. In the wild turtledove only spawn two to three times a year that occurred in January-September. Breeding season is marked with the making of the nest by a pair turtledove is passion. Form nests rather flat and thin. The bottom of a nest made of twigs set a rather rough, while the upper part covered with dry grass or leaves are more delicate fibers. nest is generally placed on a tree or shrub that is not too high from ground level.
A few days after the nest so, turtledove females will lay eggs as many as two grains. This egg white with an oval shape. Egg size approximately 22 x 17mm. Eggs will be incubated alternately by both parents for approximately two weeks, after which the eggs hatch. Turtledove new-born child was colored red, has no hair, and eyes still closed. At times like these chicks still need the warmth of its mother's body. Therefore, the parent will mengeraminya until the growth of hair (around the age of two weeks).
Turtledove newly hatched chicks by their mothers were fed in the form of milk produced by its parent cache. Feeding process is run in accordance with the natural instinct of birds. Children who can not see the touch-nyentuhkan beak toward the mouth of its mother. After wearing, these puppies will put his head in the throat parent. It is this process called suckling. Along the entry of the child's head to the throat parent, the mother will regurgitate the contents of cache in the form of liquid and directly into the mouth of the child. This feeding process usually lasts until the child is out of the hair or can fly.
Turtledove catchment forests has long maintained local people commonly called turtledove. Turtledove is usually he is pretty good gig, but unfortunately difficult bred. Constraint local turtledove very slow or not easy to breed. Efforts male parent crossed with female local turtledove turtledove Bangkok also slow or not as fluent as pure turtledove Bangkok. Finally, many who choose male and female broodstock turtledove Bangkok purely because it is more effective.
Local-turtledove turtledove is actually in terms of sound is not too much different, although each has distinctive characteristics. Turtledove from one region of the turtledove has differences with other regions, but the difference is not so obvious. In fact, in terms of size or weight is almost not different. Turtledove is categorized in groups of small birds (females and males 19-21 cm 20-24 cm) weighing between 60-70 grams.
Body color is dominated by brown color with a rather long tail. Colors in the gray head with the back brown. The neck and the sides finely striped. Dorsally brown with edges of black feathers. Outer side of the tail feathers slightly blackish color and white at the edges.
Iris (iris of the eye) rather bluish gray, gray beak, and pink legs. Another color that characterizes the turtledove is a feather in the back wing, side of the neck, chest, and body-colored side slightly grayish brown.
Type of local turtledove is increasingly less attractive to fans turtledove of sound increases. Now this fans turtledove demanding a better sound. This means that now is not the only fan turtledove based on the emergence of sound front, middle, and back only, but grow even more in the long pull of the front sound pressure, sound, clean sound, and so forth. Additional claims were clearly can not be obtained from the natural catchment or local birds, local birds because the sound is generally mild and flat. Therefore, the unwitting person having to switch on the turtledove hybrid. Only by way fans can gain votes cruciferous turtledove as expected.
By way of this cruciferous fans finally in the ground water turtledove turtledove minded with ancestry from Bangkok (genealogy). Turtledove from Bangkok was generally have a reliable sound quality, both in rhythm and sound pressure (front, middle, and back) as well as powernya. It was not separated from the expertise of the breeder there who were admittedly quite expert in the matter of criss-cross turtledove.
Choosing going turtledove
Buying a turtledove is not like buying any other bird species. In choosing a turtledove, in addition to patience also need foresight so as not to be disappointed in the future. Before buying a turtledove there are several criteria that must be considered. First, if you are going to contest, obviously must be male. Then, because going turtledove is identified with piyik, whereas in the turtledove own criteria categorized piyik start a new bird to hatch until the age of five months, then to buy going at each age required knowledge and attention on their own. So, in buying going turtledove we can buy newly hatched piyik start (a few days old) until the birds began to show the original sound when the bird was five months.
The buyers turtledove, good to hear his voice and for the race, would choose a male turtledove. Turtledove males have a loud voice, the pressure of big bass in his voice, and his power so great that if the sound will be heard loud and steady. For fans of turtledove is still new and laity about the turtledove, somewhat difficult to distinguish between male and female zebra dove. Especially if you buy it is still under going.
To distinguish between male and female zebra dove, can be done by looking chopsticks (bone below the anus). When chopsticks are meeting or nearly touching, certainly male. Conversely if the distance is the width of bone chopsticks (about 1 cm or the size of a finger), mean female. This method can only be used after piyik turns four months. Before the age of four months of chopsticks on the relatively tenuous piyik male so that fans who are unfamiliar turtledove will have difficulty determining male going this way.
After going four months old, especially when it's over six months, the males will naturally narrow chopsticks so easy to distinguish the female. Also turtledove already ahead of adult males also can be known from the shape of the eyeball, head shape, physical shape and sound. Turtledove eyeball males appear more prominent premises sharp eyes, while females seemed glazed with weak eyes. Turtledove male head size is larger and slightly rounded, while the females are smaller and somewhat oval. The physical size of the body, too, the males usually larger than the females. sound, too, turtledove male voice louder than the females.
Although we already know that the turtledove is male, but there is no harm if we look again supitnya perfection. Turtledove Supit said to be excellent if the same length and is located parallel. Please note that not infrequently found that male zebra dove has long chopsticks next to (one shorter and located less parallel). Turtledove with features such good voice though generally less preferred because it is considered defective fan in katuranggan, there is a defect in his body.
Turtledove new going a few days old (still under the age of one month) is difficult to know whether or not. Therefore, the fans who bought turtledove turtledove rare at this age. Buying turtledove under the age of one month has a relatively high risk of gambling unless it is already known to the parent in a stable partner was known to frequent childbirth champion. Not infrequently the newly hatched chicks are purchased directly from the cage if they are often born turtledove champion. Thus, other buyers who want a puppy from the cage must be booked in advance. In the world there is also a term turtledove pivot or booking to get piyik.
Enthusiasts turtledove turtledove many are ordering chicks on breeder who has got the name because there is no guarantee of quality. In fact, to ensure the good name of his bird farm there are breeders who are willing to exchange if the birds that we buy the quality was bad. One safe way of buying a new-born chicks turtledove and have not read is to buy from farms that have been known to frequent childbirth turtledove champion. If we buy piyik of champion livestock often give birth, we can know the pedigree (lineage) parent. If a good parent and often gave birth to puppies champion, certainly has the qualities the next puppies are not much different from her brothers. But to buy such a bird other than the price is quite high, we have to queue.
If you want more confident we can buy going again between the ages of 1 to 1.5 months. At the age of the sound of birds is still in the form of wind noise. For fans who understand, from the sound could have been predicted adult voice. If that comes out sounds pess-pess-pes, can be sure the birds are later voiced ankle or walking three. If pess-pess-pess-pess, estimated intercropping or double. If sound is audible pess piyik-pess pess-pess ... .. pess, birds are later expected to double voice, intercropping, or ankle. Therefore it is necessary carefulness in listening to the wind so that the length to which one becomes known pess middle voice and which sounds backwards. If still unsure of the ability to choose, you should wait until 1.5 to 2-month-old bird. At this age piyik owned wind noise will change with turtledove sound clearer, although still not showing the original sound turtledove adult.
Going to mature a lot sold dipeternakan, show room, or a bird market. In this place going to be traded adults with a variety of prices, types and quality. To buy going up, we should ask ourselves first, if we keep the turtledove is heard only kungnya just dropped off at the arena or to contest turtledove. If you just want to be maintained only for petetan only we could stop selling the turtledove traded at prices between Rp. 25000.00 - Rp. 50000.00 per cow. Cheap turtledove is generally placed in a huddle in a big box (Ranji). Turtledove who are under the class were mostly caught from the wild, local farm products, or crosses between local birds with bird assortment Bangkok.
Distinguishing between birds caught from the wild (the network) and results of breeding is fairly easy. Results tangkapandari nature usually do not ringed legs, while the general captive ringed. Because it's cheap, usually the seller is not willing to guarantee the turtledove is a good voice. Keep in mind, before it entered Ranji, traders have been selecting the birds. Bersuaranya rather nice bird usually disangkarkan own, and sold at higher prices. not rare bird selection results are then fitted with rings to convince the prospective buyer that the bird is captive breeding. Therefore, before buying a bird turtledove we should know the difference between local birds with hybrid turtledove Bangkok. When sound kungnya steady and feels there is a high pressure, the bird is a hybrid with a turtledove Bangkok or import bird. if Kungnya flat or Ampang, clearly the local bird bird.
Another feature of local birds when observed more closely will be more visible. For example eyelashes a bit rough and the ball his eyes look like there is a white ring that expanded and shrank. Eyes rather large local turtledove turtledove while Bangkok seem more narrow. Local turtledove turtledove usually underweight while bangkok or hybrid is usually more fat. Special local turtledove origin Nusa Tenggara is the most easily recognizable. eyelids have a ring of yellow, green body hair looks a bit dark and her legs look more black.
Almost all local farmers and Import provide the results of the ring on foot tangkarannya turtledove. This is to give an indication of where the farm of origin, birth keberapa, and descendants of whom the bird. Thus, if at any time want to trace their parents, can find out from the ring. For local farmers, giving the ring can not be separated from the appeal P3SI (turtledove Enthusiasts Association of Indonesia) to give the ring to the local livestock turtledove tangkarannya results to be known that the results tangkaran turtledove, not caught from the wild. For large farms, usually family tree is of considerable concern. Each puppy is sold is usually accompanied by a Certificate.
The ring does not guarantee that birds are the ranchers tangkaran. Nowadays many traders or even ranchers who tried fake bird ring tangkarannya results with a coded ring which often bear the famous ranch champion bird. Knowing that meant a circular ring at the foot of turtledove, to the extent that the term ring selling fake or ring. The emergence of cases of forgery ring could not be separated from the desire of farmers or traders who want to emulate the success of other breeders. Misalakan turtledove's just the A in the arena of contest is always won the champion will be commonplace if the fans turtledove will flock to the farm A separately ordered a brother or a derivative turtledove champion earlier. Because of the large orders, usually a brother or a derivative price turtledove champions were going to soar. The high price of turtledove is not infrequently used by breeders that moral hazard. For example, he bought the birds belong to other ranchers whose quality is lower and the price is more skewed, and these breeders put the ring on behalf of the ranch for the bird appears as a result tangkaran ranch. bird is then sold at a high level with turtledove champion offspring earlier. turtledove own Fan of whether the bird is difficult to distinguish native who gave birth to puppies from breeders or puppy puppies champion turtledove because the ring that attached the original of the respective farms. Therefore, buying puppies champion turtledove, big dipeternakan need to be careful and need to request a guarantee of the authenticity of peternaknya.
To determine whether the circular ring at the foot of the original turtledove or not, is not too difficult. If genuine, the ring was removed because it somewhat difficult ngepress by foot. if the bird was 1 month old, the original ring removable hard. if forced to be removed or installed will make the relevant bird injury. Therefore, the original installation of the ring or rings are usually done before piyik turtledove was 15 days. More than it has been difficult because piyik toes will grow rapidly enlarged. In view of the ring is easily ordered, recently emerged ring a little bit large in size. The ring of this kind usually used to fake the birds of the lower class to upper class looked like a bird.
The size of the ring that could be dismantled pairs of legs turtledove usually rather large in diameter, known as size 44. The ring can be issued include on my ankle turtledove although adult birds. original ring of smaller diameter, known as size 41.
Turtledove Cut Ring
In the fan community there is a term turtledove Cut ring, meaning turtledove that are deliberately not fitted with a ring or a removable ring. Turtledove Cut ring can be the result of crosses between local and imported product crosses. why should the Cut Ring? There are several reasons why you should sell the famous breeder birds have to remove the ring. This is to maintain the credibility of the breeder. Please note that the big breeders can hatch hundreds each month piyik. Piyik-piyik is not all good, there must be an ugly (sorted). Before removing piyik or going to the buyer usually breeders do the sorting. Of the hundreds of tail usually only 10% would be classified as special. Assortment that should be thrown into the market. That's where mixed, there is good bakaln belonging category, medium, and sag. not known for his ranch name, usually the well known breeders before selling assortment of birds first remove the ring from the foot of turtledove. After all breeders feel pity if sortirannya discarded useless. Better on the market, but it is certainly not a complete assortment may throw the ring because it could be a boomerang for these farms.
The practice of releasing market assortment turtledove is not only done by local farmers, but also a top breeder-breeder in Bangkok. Where turtledove turtledove assortment-thrown? famous ranch in Bangkok was much throwing sortirannya to Indonesia. That's because most major markets are Indonesia turtledove. Although turtledove Cut Ring is a sort of bird, does not mean that all the birds of the sort ugly because the possibility to "explode" in the contest is still there, especially if the assortment is from the famous ranch. As is known, turtledove sorting is done by breeders after the bird through the ngurak (brodol first) the first or bird age between 4-5 months. Why is that? Before the bird ngurak unpredictable voice. It could just as well signify piyik his voice, but after ngurak even sag. Vice versa. Not a few going at the time of his voice piyik less well turned out after a period of ngurak even better. Therefore, after the new ngurak can know whether or not sound good turtledove.
Birds that are not good is then in Cut Ring. however, not mean the Cut ring definitely ugly. Not infrequently the fans who understand the turtledove turtledove actually prefer to buy from farms Cut Ring famous. With the stock of knowledge and expertise of care, these fans can choose which will be going to explode in the arena of contest after treating.
Cut Ring itself is not synonymous with low-quality birds because there are many fans that have a bird turtledove removable rings champion precisely to conceal the origin indukkannya or ranch. this is done with consideration for indukannya owners do not know if the results tangkarannya become champion. Thus, bird owners can still buy winners were blood relatives of the turtledove is continually champion with a relatively cheap price. Other Purposes champion off the ring on the bird is so that other fans did not invade farms in droves from turtledove champion had to order a blood relative of the turtledove champion so, if to many fans who know the origin of birds champion before, usually the fans turtledove from various invaded the area to the farm of origin of birds champion and become involved in booking or pivot for prolonged.
For the breeder, if the results tangkarannya be a champion and a lot of buyers who come will surely raise the price of birds to be tens of times the previous price. With this basis could be concluded that not necessarily are in Cut turtledove turtledove Ring is low class. Especially if the turtledove is on sale at the ranch or the show room of the prestigious by price hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars, can be sure turtledove is of good quality.
Katuranggan turtledove
So far in the world there turtledove katuranggan term which is a merger of the two terms katur Java and antlers. Katur in Javanese language means the notices and tine means body. So, katuranggan mean notice or knowledge of body shape. In buying turtledove turtledove fans can not escape from katuranggan. Moreover, if turtledove who would buy the price up to millions of dollars, certainly very concerned katuranggan prospective buyers. From katuranggan predictable climax point voice and sound turtledove. Therefore, usually the prospective buyer asked the seller for permission to hold the bird allowed to be purchased. Permission to hold this point to know whether the bird katuranggan perfect or not.
During this benchmark is used as katuranggan there are a few things, such as head shape, beak, body, and tail. Benchmarks are as follows:
* Turtledove her head round oval shape like fruit jambe expected to issue a good sound and maximum. Birds that have a shape of the head voice sonority thus expected to survive until old age. Therefore, the head so the best category. * Turtledove mbeton nongko head shape (such as jackfruit seeds) are estimated to have a pretty good voice sonority and can last until old age. However, they rarely voice sonority which reached a maximum. * Turtledove that forms a round head like sonority currency is expected to have a pretty good voice and will continue to increase until the bird was almost 24 years. The rest his voice will drop. * Turtledove ngepel beak shape (such as fruit burahol), ngontong body shape (like a banana flower buds), and combined with a tapered tail, can be expected to have a middle voice is quite clear and clean. Bird with such characteristics include the best birds. * Turtledove nggabah beak shape (like a grain of rice), the shape of the body such as jackfruit, and its tail is rather long in the back rather blunt expected good middle voice. Birds with these characteristics include both categories. * Bird's beak shape mapah gedhang (such as banana bark), mbluluk body shape (like the young coconut fruit), and short tail pointed, estimated to sound pretty good center. Birds with such characteristics include good enough category.
Although it has no indication or prediction of katuranggan, but would be even better if we keep into account the perfection of other physical forms, such as a healthy body and there is no defect in the parts of his body. Chest shape chosen field. Chest area showed that the bird's body well and has good sound bag as well so that the sound issue is also mostly good
Terms of members of other bodies that make birds classified as either category is a long neck with the throat rather large, bright eyes look sharp and slender legs with regular and shiny scales.
Turtledove contest
Beauty contest is a form of measurement results turtledove sound animal husbandry, maintenance, and care. Contest organized by P3SI. Implementation there are several levels, adjusted for the scope. Organization of turtledove contest arranged by P3SI (All-Indonesia Association of Conservation turtledove). This organization is non political and non-commercial.
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